Africell Angola races towards 10 million subscribers using Csmart Digital BSS platform Read more

Deliver Business Results Driven by Data Science

Data science tech powers businesses across diverse industries to get actionable consumer insights.
Deliver Business Results Driven by Data Science

We help businesses
develop data science technologies

The purpose of data science is faster customer-centric decision making. Covalensedigital has delivered various modules of advanced data analytics to numerous clients across the globe. This uniquely positions us to help organizations develop and deploy different data science technologies, solutions and platforms.

Advanced Data Analytics

Customer Value Management

Customer Value Management

Enterprises need real time data insights to facilitate multi-channel customer engagements. Our vast experience with CVM allows us to help you build CVM tools to provide personalized offers throughout the customer’s lifecycle. This increases customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Campaign Analytics

Organizations regularly run campaigns to promote offerings to various customer segments. Our deep understanding of campaign analytics and time-tested market approaches adds value to businesses that are looking to build data analytics models and tools to improve campaign performance & conversion.

Campaign Analytics


Personalize business offerings with AI/ML

Personalize business offerings with AI/ML

Consumer behavior patterns need to be recognized, analyzed & categorized across various digital channels to predict customer churn. Covalensedigital’s AI/ML product experience can prove beneficial to businesses that intend to implement AI/ML tools as part of their organization roadmap.

Leverage data science with our expertise