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2021 - Onset of The New Norm

It’s been more than 9 months since the first lockdown, and Covalensedigital is proud to announce that our deliveries have gone through with little or no impacts whatsoever. The teams have collaborated well to seamlessly work across projects and across geographies. It is a successful reflection of our associate's capability to adapt to the New Normal. Our office premises have been open ever since the first unlock process was initiated. The safety and well-being of our associates have always been our objective and priority, more so during the pandemic. Additional safety measures are being adopted and attempts have been made to ensure all aspects of associate well-being are addressed.

We look forward to ushering in the New (norm) Year and are well prepared to work out of office premises. Here are a few of the measures adopted to welcome back our associates in office premises:

  • Sanitizers and masks are made available
  • Touch-free entry to office premises
  • Restricting the use of Conference rooms for meetings
  • Well assessed and planned seating arrangements
  • Restroom sanitization every hour
  • Allocating separate dining space
  • Well thought process documented on overseas travel

To manage emergency situations, in case of any associate tests positive

  • mySwish portal offers complete assistance
  • Enabled Additional leaves

The Covid focus group ( is always open for any suggestions/recommendations.

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