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Introducing Csmart DM – Digital Marketplace Platform, A Digital Service Monetization Enabler

The Csmart DM platform is a revolutionary digital marketplace built on a cloud-native stack that brings together a front-end digital commerce with back-end partner management & revenue settlement capabilities enabling service providers to offer, manage and monetize the full range of digital services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, BOSS, and virtualized services) and industry-agnostic devices.

A Service Provider like a Telco, a Media house, or any enterprise business of a different industry vertical is looking for a major left shift in bringing up the digital disruption by using the new-gen innovative solutions to become a True Digital Service Provider. Csmart DM is one such platform forays in the digital transformations connecting the host (the platform provider), partner (seller of the digital services), and customer (end-user of the digital services) under one roof offering a marketplace with a fully digital customer experience. In other words, Csmart DM helps any Service Provider to transform into a True Digital Service Provider.

The Marketplace further supports a new dimension to the hosting provider to offer multi-industry business solutions, a wide variety of retail customer offerings such as home automation, device-agnostic product stores, and many more... `

Partners are offered with an intuitive self-service interface from where the new offers can be set up in few minutes with easy to configure price catalogs, discounts, offers, bundles, descriptions, Promotions, and much more through the digital platform. The digital commerce portal also offers an option to manage the settlements in real-time, product deliveries, customer support modes, and tickets.

The host is a platform enabler is offered with a complete white-label solution stack, easy partner on-boarding, automatic contractual agreements and real-time revenue settlement of multiple partners, the ability to manage different line of business as a separate category on the same platform, or the ability to package the third-party services or products combined with host services to offer a complete packaged solution to the customers quickly.

The host can concurrently manage multiple partners and vendors of different verticals with secure separation among the partners and vendors. The partners can have a customized storefront of their own brand with its own look and feel.

The marketplace is pre-integrated with CICD and cloud-native components (Kubernetes and Docker Registry) to ease the spin-up of new solution instances in a very short time.

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